
There are two tools available in pyNEMO. They are described in detail below.


This command line tool reads a BDY file, extracts boundary data and prepares the data for a NEMO simulation. The bdy file is a plain text file containing key value pairs. Please look at the sample namelist.bdy file, which shares common syntax with the NEMO simulation namelist input file.


Directory paths in bdy file can be relative or absolute. The application picks the relative path from the current working directory.

Syntax for pynemo command is

> pynemo [-g] -s <bdy file>

For help

> pynemo -h
> usage: pynemo [-g] -s <namelist.bdy>
>        -g (optional) will open settings editor before extracting the data
>        -s <bdy filename> file to use

Example comamnd

> pynemo -g -s namelist.bdy


This tool will open a window where you can edit the mask and change the values of bdy parameters.

Syntax for pynemo_settings_editor command is

> pynemo_settings_editor [-s <bdy filename>]


If no file name is specified then a file dialog box will open to select a file.

For help

> pynemo_settings_editor -h
> usage: pynemo_settings_editor -s <namelist.bdy>


pynemo_settings_editor -s namelist.bdy